Austin Buono's ServiceNow Solutions
Austin Buono's ServiceNow Solutions
Recently one of my customers wanted to replicate the functionality of the ServiceNow 'Download All' button available via the attachment paperclip. But the request was to add the related list sys_attachment to the application form and provide the user with a List Banner Button UI Action called 'download all attachments (zip)'. To achieve this I got access to the OOB UI action and manipulated it to achieve the requested functionality. I am sharing this with everyone because I was not able to find this solution anywhere and I do not want anyone to waste their time trying to figure this out.
Name: download all attachments (zip)
Table: sys_attachment
Active: true
Show update: true
Client: true
List banner button: true
Onclick: downloadAllAttachments()
Above script provides the Download all button functionality replicated on a related list
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